Texas Board of Legal Specialization Recognizes Mr. Ryan Herbert Deck as Board Certified in Criminal Law


Recently, Attorney Ryan H. Deck received Board Certification in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Out of the over 75,000 licensed attorneys in Texas, fewer than 900 have received this honorable title, and we are happy to share this news with all our clients. This news speaks to Ryan’s commitment to continuing his growth and advancement in criminal defense advocacy.

Since 1974, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) has stood as a benchmark for dependable advocacy in legal practice. Criminal law attorneys who wish to obtain this distinction must show a track record of successful legal practice, obtain references from local judges and attorneys, and pass a tough 6-hour exam focused on subject matter specific to criminal law. Meeting these requirements results in a certification valid for 5 years.

For our clients, Ryan’s recognition as Board Certified in Criminal Law means they can expect the highest quality of legal services when they choose our firm to represent them. Since 2003, Ryan has fought to protect each clients’ rights when they are in jeopardy. Obtaining Board Certification is simply one more step taken to ensure they get the best possible outcome for their situation.